Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stories I've Written - 5

Timmy and Josh's Fountain Pens

Once upon a time, there was two brothers named Timmy and Josh whom lived in a cosy condo near the shopping mall. Timmy and Josh stayed with almost all their family - Grandparents, Uncles, and Aunties. It was sure cram!!

Josh was 15 and Timmy was ten. Every year on Josh's birthday, his family would buy him a fountain pen, since he was ten. Now he had five pens. But this year was different. Just this Christmas, Timmy and Josh's family got two gifts wrapped in nice paper. Their family asked them to choose which gift they want.

Timmy took the smaller one without a word. But as for Josh, he grabbed the big one. Josh thought there was a fountain pen. But no, it was a watch. The gift inside the smaller one was a golden fountain pen. But Josh wanted that pen instead. So they made a deal. Timmy would have the watch and Josh's 4 pens and the other golden one would be Josh's.

The End

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